Local Elected Offices in Rosendale

Rosendale has ten local elected officials:

  • Town Supervisor
  • Town Council (4 members)
  • Superintendent of Highways
  • Town Clerk
  • Tax Collector
  • Town Justice (2 justices)

Local elections are held every odd-numbered year. Terms of office are 4 years, and staggered so not every office is on the ballot every time.

In November 2025, these Rosendale offices will be on the ballot:

  • Town Council (2 members)
  • Town Clerk
  • Tax Collector
  • Town Justice (1 justice)

In addition, these Ulster County offices will be on the ballot:

  • County Clerk
  • County Comptroller
  • Family Court Judge
  • County Legislator

How to Run for Office

Democratic candidates for all local elected offices are now chosen by a petition process, rather than by caucus as was done until 2022.

Any Rosendale Democrat can run for office by submitting petition signatures to the Ulster County Board of Elections. The process does not require any endorsement or approval from the Rosendale Democratic Committee.

To run for local office, you must collect approximately 100 signatures (but more is better) from any Democrat who votes in Rosendale. Petitions must have a specific format, and signatures must be collected between a specific window of dates in March 2025.

If only one Democratic candidate submits valid petitions for a given office, that candidate will automatically be on the November general election ballot.

If multiple Democratic candidates submit valid petitions for the same office, a primary election will be held in June. The primary winner will be the official candidate on the November general election ballot.

If you are a non-Democrat seeking the Democratic line on the ballot, the process is more complicated. Please contact either the Ulster County Board of Elections or the Rosendale Democratic Committee for more information.

Sample petitions and other resources are available from the Ulster County Board of Elections.

If you would like more information, please contact us at info@rosendaledemocrats.com.






Our Mission

The mission of our committee is to promote Democratic values in the town that we love.

Our Town

We believe in openness, fair play, and doing everything we can to help and protect our community.

Our Community

We believe that government works best when all voices are heard and everybody participates.

We'd like to see you.

The Rosendale Democratic Committee meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:15pm at the Rosendale Rec Center.
Meetings are open to all. If you'd like to participate, please email info@rosendaledemocrats.com for meeting info!